Saturday 14 April 2012


After tossing up between a couple of different April half marathons and deciding that I was not going to run in Bonn, I decided on the Worcester half marathon for this month. It is the first ever Worcester race of this distance and the route looks quite nice with a nice downhill section in the last mile.

My preparation was going really well until last weekend (Easter weekend) at the big UK orienteering event in Scotland (JK2012). The first day was a sprint race around a small part of Livingston near Edinburgh. Stupid mistake lost me time and so disappointed. Day 2 wasn't much better with a steep and technical M40L course. Started badly with a 17 minute control 1 but got better. Still very disappointed. Day 3 was worst, with an even steeper course and a late 34 minute control. The relay on day 4 was quite fun, but the four days of hill running had taken their toll and it took me a few days this week to start to feel normal again.

Then last night - DISASTER - I was playing a big band gig locally and I tripped whilst walking back to my car. If I had just scraped my knee I would not have been too unhappy. But, I twisted my hip and think I sprained or strained my hip. 20 hours later after ibuprofen and plenty of cold packs it is still hurting but I am slightly hoping can still make it to the race tomorrow.

Cross fingers!!!!!

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