Saturday 5 January 2013

Challenges for 2013

After some contemplation over my Christmas break about a successful and fun 2012 running half marathons, the time came to think about what to do in 2013. I almost felt lost over Christmas with a lack of focus in my running despite entering the usual Clevedon boxing day 4 mile run (a PB by my watch) and the Hangover 10km (almost a PB) near Weston Super Mare. After a year of always having the next race planned and a training plan in place to take me there, I feel directionless without some sort of plan for the year.

So, I have decided to renew my monthly race plan, but to replace the half marathon with the 10km, with the objective of going sub 40 minutes sometime during the year and perhaps to average sub 42 minutes. Given that my January 1st race was completed in 41m25s, the average may not be too tricky,  but given that races are not always flat and fast, I must assume that some will be much slower than the 40 minute goal.

There are plenty of 10km races locally during the year, so  need to pick some and go with it. I have previously raced the Frenchay 10km in April and the towpath series in Bristol from June to August.

I also have grown to enjoy blogging on this site, so despite the fact that 2012 has gone, I will continue to post my contemplation here.

Current thoughts on races are as follows:

January - Hangover 10km - 41m25s
February - Bath Skyline 10km
March - Hemington 10k ?
April - Frenchay 10km
May - GWR Towpath
June - GWR Towpath
July - GWR Towpath
August - GWR Towpath
September - ?
October - ?
November - Bath Skyline ?
December - Wyvern Christmas Cracker

This will be the minimum number as I think I will probably add some other local races in as well as tempo runs.

Happy new year!

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