Saturday 19 May 2012

Beetroot juice

It is the day before Tewkesbury half marathon and I am quite keen on trying for a 1.30 time again - last time was in Cardiff back in 2009. Anyway, I have heard a couple of times in the last few weeks that Beetroot juice can give an advantage in a race by reducing the oxygen needs for a particular energy expenditure (or something like that). So I thought I would try it and use it on an occasion when I might be able to benefit.

I have bought a 500ml bottle of non concentrated juice and have drunk half of it this evening. I'll drink the rest tomorrow morning as I drive up to the race. I will just have to hope that it does not have any negative side effects.

The race is at 9.30 tomorrow morning and I will need to keep at a pace of below 6.52 per mile to beat 1 hour 30 minutes.

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