Saturday 23 June 2012

Day before Malvern

It seems ages now since my run in Tewkesbury but I've kept to my training plan and ended up doing a total of almost 58 miles last week. This week has been a much easier affair, with a couple of five milers and some short speedwork sessions.

I've been looking at the map for the Malvern area and it looks as if it really could be reasonably flat for the race tomorrow - and the weather may be good as well with some rain overnight tonight clearing up by the morning which might mean that it is a little cooler than today. It has also been really blustery (the wind that is) over the last few days and although it seems to be declining, I still think that it might be a little bit windier than I would like (but then, only no wind is perfect).

This afternoon I think I will buy myself another beetroot juice and drink half tonight and some more in the morning. It did not do me any harm last time and may have helped, so if I am going to try to beat my PB I need all the help I can get.

My plan is fairly simple - I go out at around 6.47 per mile which is aiming for around 89 minutes. I'll try to keep to that pace for the first 10 miles and then see how much energy I have for the last 3 miles. The race starts at 10.30 so I just hope that it won't get too warm by the end of the race.

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