Wednesday 11 January 2012

Back home again

After a very late night drinking with Katrin, Daniel and Hina, I enjoyed about 3 hours sleep until my alarm woke me at 6am ready for a quick shower and getting out for the number 42 bus at 6.47 and flight at 8am. At that time, the roads are not exactly busy and we got to the airport in plenty of time. After taking off, it was then just a matter of time - as we travelled South - until we saw the Sun again at just after 9am local time. It had been 3pm on last Friday since I had last seen it on my approach to Oslo.

At Oslo, Katrin had to make a mad dash for her flight and so it was rather a short and abrupt end to our holiday. But all holidays come to an end and after a short wait in the British Airways lounge I caught my last flight back to heathrow.

My holiday is finally at an end and the first of my twelve monthly half marathons complete. I have a slight niggle in my right hamstring which I hope is not going to be a problem for next month which will be in Barcelona on the 26th Feb.

Watch this space.

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