Sunday 8 January 2012

The race

After all the considerations and test runs I decided to run in normal running shoes. A decision I was very happy with. The course is a 'there and back' route around the edge of the island and thank goodness there was no wind. I started out a little fast but steadied it to around 7.10 minute miling for first 8ish miles. Last 5 km was quite hilly in places and hard work but I pulled away from those chasing me with another guy about 2 km to go. He managed to get away though and I sped into icy Tromso in the middle if the road, hoping that my Orange jersey would protect me from the cars (in the dark). It did. I finished all by myself with no-one to race in with. I was just 2 seconds off my Target time which is a shame. But it was very very cold and that is my excuse.

At the finish I could not feel my right forefinger and my eyes seemed to be frozen up from about 5 miles in. At the first water stop I expected warm water and was shocked to take a gulp of icy water! It took my breath away. Luckily the other stops had a warm fruit tasting drink which was nice except when I managed to get lots in my eye at the last stop. At least my eye was defrosted!

Katrin after the finish
All in all, it was a lovely race. The marshals were brilliant and race very well organised. We must have caused chaos at the airport roundabout. A big thanks to all the marshals who stayed out for hours in freezing conditions.

Next blog will be on the evening party and trip to Svalbard.

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