Saturday 25 February 2012

The day before Barcelona HM

So, today I flew down to Barcelona on Easyjet.
Loads of people heading down early for the Mobile World Congress event. Having left WAC, I am staying with some great people connected with a company called WIP (doing developer engagement). Spent the afternoon collecting my number and chip and buying some food.

Spending the evening now sat around with Karen, James and Noah talking about all  sorts from development issues to running and Tapas recommendations. Made myself some pasta with tomato sauce and Sardines. Not quite haute quisine but it served the purpose well and hope that I am now carbed up and ready for tomorrow morning. The race starts at 8.45am so I need to get up at 6am for breakfast and ready to leave around 7.45. About a 20 minute walk. Anyway, I'll add some photos later and I will try to do 1.32 tomorrow. Start at 7 min miling and see how far I can get.

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