Friday 8 March 2013

Bath Half Marathon 2013

For the seventh straight year, I ran the bath half marathon on 3rd March with my brother around the streets of Bath with thousands of other runners and the usual crowds of supporters. This year was a little different to last year though, with the temperature around 20 degrees lower.

Arriving in Bath to see my brothers family before the run, the outside temperature gauge read -1 degrees Celcius and I'm pretty sure the temperature did not come much above zero for the whole day. Given my decision to run again in my supergirl fancy dress outfit to embarrass my brother (as much as anything else), I at least had something to cover my arms, but my legs got pretty cold in the long wait at the start line for the gun to go off. My brother was feeling pretty confident this year about his training and so we went off at quite a pace and ended up doing the first few miles not far off 7m40s each. Despite a bit of a slow down in miles 9 and 10, we kept pretty much at this sort of pace throughout the race and it was brilliant to get my brother to a new PB of 1.43.29. I was finding it quite difficult to slow down in the last mile and despite high fiving most of the crowds in that last mile uphill I still ended up finishing 8 seconds ahead of him in 1.43.21.

The cold weather meant a decrease in the number of people cheering in the streets (compared to last year) but the fancy dress still meant that we got plenty of cheers for supergirl, superwoman, superman and superthingy as well as one cheer for batwoman ?!?

I've had a week to recover now and need to start thinking about my 10km ambitions for the year. I'll get posting soon.

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